The early signs of pregnancy will begin to show at different points for different women. You may notice some changes from the first week or two after you miss your period, or they may take up to 8 weeks to present.
The early warning signs of pregnancy are different for every woman. Here are 13 common symptoms you can expect!
Some are mild, some not so much – you can never know what exactly to expect. If you’ve missed your period, take a pregnancy test or see your doctor. And if you’re pregnant, book in a consultation with your OBGYN.
Here are some of the other common early signs of pregnancy to keep an eye out for!
Mild Cramping or Spotting
Around five days after fertilisation, the egg forms a blastocyst – a fluid-filled group of cells – which is an early stage of foetal growth. Roughly four weeks after conception, this will implant in the lining of the uterus, which can cause light spotting or cramping. This may be mistaken for your period.
Nausea or Morning Sickness
This is most common during the first trimester and is another one of the common early signs that you’ve fallen pregnant. A common misconception is that nausea during pregnancy only occurs in the morning. While for many women it is worse in the morning, subsiding over the course of the day, it can also occur at any time and at varying degrees of severity.
Sore or Tender Breasts
Sore or tender breasts is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy that women notice first. You may also notice your nipples are darker and that the veins are more prominent.
As soon as you fall pregnant, your body will begin working overtime to prepare for your baby, making you feel like you have less energy. This will continue throughout your first trimester, and may get worse as the weeks progress.
Frequent Urination
As soon as you fall pregnant, your body begins producing the hormone hCG, which increases the supply of blood to the pelvic area. As little as a week after conception, you may find yourself needing to go to the bathroom more frequently. You may also notice you being able to urinate less.
Bloating and Constipation
Hormonal increases may result in bloating that may feel very similar to the kind you get during your menstrual cycle. This may be due to a slowing of the digestive tract, which may cause constipation as well.
More Cervical Mucus
When you fall pregnant, an increase in progesterone production may result in an increase of cervical mucus production.
Increased Basal Body Temperature
Increased basal body temperature is another early sign of pregnancy. Tracking your basal body temperature is a great way to keep an eye on when you are ovulating while you are trying to get pregnant. If your BBT stays high for over two weeks, there is a good chance that you are pregnant.
Sensitive Sense of Smell
The nausea common during early pregnancy is often triggered by your sense of smell, which can become heightened once you fall pregnant. You may notice that smells that you never had an issue with before now make you feel sick – usually food or cooking smells. This is different for everyone.
When you become pregnant, your body is flooded with hormones, which will impact your emotions as well as your body. Mood swings are very common, so don’t be shocked if you find yourself feeling elated, sad, excited and terrified all in the same day.
The hormones present during your first trimester can cause the passage between your stomach and esophagus to relax, resulting in heartburn.
You may find that your skin has become oily after you fall pregnant, and this can cause pimples or acne to appear. This will likely settle once you enter your second trimester and your hormones begin to stabilise.
Lowered Immunity
During early pregnancy, your immune system will become slightly suppressed and you may find yourself more susceptible to mild cold and flu symptoms like nasal stuffiness, coughing and fatigue.
During early pregnancy, your blood pressure will drop slightly, which can cause blood vessels to dilate. This can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat regularly, and if you feel dizzy, lie down and rest.
A Strange Taste in your Mouth
The hormones present during early pregnancy can change the makeup of your saliva, making it taste different. Often this is described as metallic, and may make a difference to how some foods and drinks taste.
If you are planning for pregnancy or have just fallen pregnant and would like to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Dr Brown is one of the most trusted obstetricians in Sydney and will be more than happy to offer advice and compassionate care in every way possible.