Giving birth is one of the most meaningful experiences that life has to offer. However; birth comes with many changes to the body and may leave new mums feeling weak and unfit.
It is important to slowly rebuild strength and fitness after giving birth. Here are some great tips which will help you get back in shape.
Be patient
If one thing is certain, there are undeniable limitations after having a child that will affect your time, energy, stamina, and mental clarity which will extend to every aspect of your life. It is important to always remain patient with yourself and remember that incredible results will not happen overnight! Never push yourself past your physical and mental limits to achieve quick results, but rather, come to understand that ongoing commitment and consistency is what really matters.
Take time to heal
Before you start any strenuous exercising, it is important to leave adequate healing time. Wait at least six to eight weeks before doing any exercise to ensure you have healed internally. Make sure you seek your doctor’s advice about when is best for you, depending on whether or not it was a natural birth or c-section
Check for abdominal separation
Abdominal separation occurs when the growing uterus causes the two long, parallel muscles of your stomach to separate from each other. These muscles run from your chest to your pelvis, just under the skin, down the middle of your belly. Get your doctor or physio to ensure you do not have separation as it is often something overlooked and can linger for years, affecting your core strength, back pain and more.
Create time to get active
While you will most certainly busy, you should still allow time to exercise, anywhere from five minutes to 30 minutes, especially in the first year after birth. Walking or slow jogs with the stroller is a great start. If you just can’t seem to get out of the house, access the internet for a huge range of instructional fitness videos, with many of which being specially designed for new mothers.
Exercise the pelvic floor
Giving birth can put significant stress and damage on the pelvic floor, and as such, regular kegel or pelvic floor exercises are necessary. You can work with your trusted healthcare professional in order to learn how to exercise your pelvic floor in the correct manner. You may even be referred to a pelvic floor physiotherapist for extra assistance. Exercising your pelvic floor can be implemented into your everyday life, and can be done anywhere and at any time. Follow these steps to effectively exercise your pelvic floor:
- Sit, stand or lie down with your legs slightly apart and relax your thighs, buttocks and abdomen muscles.
- Tighten the ring of muscle around your front and back passages drawing the pelvic floor muscles up inside.
- Try to complete up to 10 slow squeezes and 10 fast squeezing exercises.
- Repeat these exercises 4-5 times every day.
If you have any questions regarding maintaining health and fitness after birth, or would like to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Dr Bevan Brown is one of the most trusted obstetricians in Sydney and will be thrilled to give you complete and compassionate care in every way possible.